[Oyranos-devel] Synnefo + KolorManager changes
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
2014-09-12 07:48:45 UTC

after fixing some bugs in Synnefo, I was too lazy to do the same in
KolorManager. Additionally new features had to be added twice, like Taxi
DB support or the 2D profile graph. In order to reduce code duplication,
Joseph started some time ago a project to compile Synnefo as a library
and a separate bare minimum application. But the project got stalled.
However the modularisation ground work inside Synnefo was done. So it
was easy to complete that project and split out a library. The new
Synnefo behaves completely like the old Synnefo, but most Oyranos code
resides now inside libsynnefo-common.

it might be that you had different intentions with libsynnefo. So let me
know if the current design is fine with you or what you think could be

As a result KolorManager will no longer be able to use KDE widgets
inside the configuration panels. As well Synnefo is more compact
compared to KolorManager. The device panel can now omit Taxi queries by
simply not clicking on a device. Therefore the lower device selector is
now part of the device list. The info tab is more compact too. And
Synnefo comes with a separate window for detailed profile informations.

On the TODO list are following points:
Next could be adding the long requested a policy selector above the
settings tabs.

A profile list tab would be cool to show detailed infos about installed
ICC profiles.

oyranos-config-fltk git has a CMM tab, which is missed in Synnefo and
should be added too. I worked on the SimpleUI project for providing Qt
and FLTK UI rendering of the Oyranos modules options.

So, in the near future KolorManager gets two new dependencies.
libSynnefo[1] and SimpleUI[2].

kind regards

[1] https://www.oyranos.org/synnefo/
[2] https://github.com/beku/SimpleUI
